Gridless Scatter Correction for 2D and 3D Mammography

Cutting-edge IBEX Trueview® software delivers diagnostic images without a grid to enable up to 25% dose reduction in 2D and 3D mammography. Effective for all breast compressions, this technology offers improved image contrast in FFDM, DBT, and synthetic 2D images, leading to:
Improved sensitivity and specificity
Fewer false positives
Reduced mechanical complexity and lower system costs
Simplified workflow
Proven performance in SDNR testing

Trueview software-based scatter correction removes the need for a grid in mammography to increase the number of useful X-rays reaching the detector.
SNDR testing confirms the potential for contrast improvement at up to 25% dose reduction for equivalent breast thicknesses up to 90mm. Gridless SDNR values with IBEX Trueview® are always below and to the left of the standard outputs over a wide range of breast thicknesses.
Removing the physical grid gives clinicians the choice to reduce the dose for better patient safety or to improve image quality by increasing the contrast to noise ratio.
Available for integration today, IBEX Trueview® scatter correction can significantly improve the performance and competitiveness of your mammography system.
Find out more in the video below…