Simulated Clinical Study Reveals Trueview Accurately Predicts Wrist Bone Health
IBEX recently completed a simulated clinical study, where a population of 30 wrist X-rays were synthetically generated for a population with bone health ranging from normal to severe osteoporosis.
The IBEX Trueview Bone Health Classifier returns a measure of a patient’s bone health from a standard digital radiograph, without the need for any specialist hardware such as DXA. Synthetic images were processed through the software, in the same way as a real X-ray image.
The ability to effectively measure bone health on a wrist is of enormous significance and backs up similar findings from a recent real-world patient study.
Wrist X-rays are of particular interest as the signs of osteoporosis are typically evident many years before a major fracture occurs. This provides a valuable time window in which patients can be given treatment to lower their risk of fracture.
The simulated patient study shows an R² of 0.873 between the Trueview output and ground truth bone health. This indicates that Trueview is effective for measuring wrist bone health using a standard DR image.
Earlier identification and treatment have been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare provider costs. Trueview paves the way for this by providing access to a bone health measure from the 23 million DR scans taken in the UK each year.
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IBEX is now looking for clinical partners to take part in the next phase: a real-world pilot study in which we aim to integrate Trueview into the care pathway to improve case finding of osteoporosis.
Once complete, we’ll be working closely with healthcare providers to ensure that every patient receiving a DR X-ray is able to receive an assessment of their bone health at the same time.