
IBEX’s Ground-Breaking Bone Health Study Published in the BMJ

Findings from a clinical study investigating IBEX Trueview® as a predictor of bone health were recently published in the British Medical Journal, marking a major milestone for IBEX. Using advanced physics modelling and AI methods, the Trueview software returns an accurate measure of bone health from standard DR scans taken for other clinical purposes. This…


Reducing costs and improving quality of life through earlier detection of osteoporosis

Health economics modelling shows that adoption of IBEX Trueview​® software for the early diagnosis of osteoporosis could save £9.2 million in costs and generate 1,650 QALYs over 20 years for a typical NHS trust. Tackling the Osteoporosis Crisis Using advanced physics modelling and AI methods, IBEX Trueview® turns standard X-rays into an opportunity for early diagnosis of osteoporosis, a disease that currently affects…


Staff Profile – Meet Beer-Brewing Code Writer, Christian Rennison-Jones

Christian Rennison-JonesResearch Scientist Christian Rennison-Jones is a research scientist here at IBEX Innovations, he works closely alongside Thomas Jubb as part of the Data & AI Team. Christian has a strong background in physics, computer science, quantum computing, and other things I struggle to wrap my head around… To learn a bit more about Christian,…